Please join Dr. Sean Murphy and the Tiadaghton Audubon Society for a presentation on the endangered Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow. The presentation will be at 7:00 pm following our 6:00 pm business meeting. Both meetings are open and free to everyone! Our meeting and presentation will take place in the old music room in the Wellsboro Admin building. See directions below.
Dr. Sean Murphy joined the Wildlife Diversity Division of the Pennsylvania Game Commission in January 2018 and leads the Endangered and Nongame Birds Section. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology (Ecology) from Penn State University and a Ph.D. in Biology from the City University of New York in 2010. His graduate work focused on the population biology of the American Oystercatcher near the northern limits of its range.
Following graduate school, Sean worked as a Wildlife Biologist for the U.S. Geological Survey in Corvallis, Oregon. His work focused on the interactions between avian populations and their environment, which led to multiple studies on the population dynamics, life-history, and habitat use of a variety of avian species of conservation concern, including marsh birds, shorebirds, and seabirds.
Prior to joining the Game Commission, Sean worked for Conservation InSight where he helped develop a spatially-explicit population estimator for the federally-endangered Cape Sable seaside sparrow. He also helped in the implementation of new survey protocols to improve current data collection methods.
Sean is a member of the Wildlife Society, American Ornithological Society, Association of Field Ornithologists, International Wader Study Group, Waterbird Society, and the Pennsylvania Biological Survey-Ornithological Technical Committee. He is a past President of the Ornithological Societies of North America (OSNA) and currently serves as an elected council member for the Waterbird Society and their Diversity Committee.
Sean currently lives in Williamsport and spends most of his free time with his wife and two young daughters. He enjoys hiking, biking, and birding.
Directions - Drive past the main entrance of the Admin building, turn left and follow the building all the way around to the back. You will pass a maintenance shed/building. Go in the back entrance and follow the signs to the meeting room.
Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow/National Park Service |